Individual hairs are composed chiefly of the horny scleroprotein known as keratin and contain neither blood vessels nor nerves. They usually contain pigment (except in the case of albinos), and sometimes they also contain interstitial air bubbles that give the hair a silvery color. The shaft of the hair consists of modified epithelial cells arranged in columns surrounding a central medulla (or core) and covered with thin, flat scales. The root of each hair is contained in a tubular pit of the epidermis called the hair follicle. The hair grows from the bottom of the follicle. It is nourished by the blood vessels in a papilla that extends into the follicle and, for a short distance, into the root of the hair. A minute muscle, the arrector pili, is attached to each hair follicle; under the control of the autonomic nervous system the muscle contracts to make the hair “stand on end.” Most mammals possess tactile hairs, usually growing from the upper lip and eyebrows, with their roots set in erectile tissue richly supplied with sensory nerves.
In humans the development of the hair begins in the embryo, and by the sixth month the foetus is covered by a growth of fine hair, the lanugo. In the first few months of infancy the lanugo is shed and is replaced by hair, relatively coarse over the cranium and the eyebrows, but fine and downy over the rest of the body. At puberty coarse hair develops in the armpits and over the pubic region in both sexes; in males facial hair begins to grow coarse to form the beard. The rate of growth of the hair varies with the age of the person and with the length of the hair. When a hair is short, its rate of growth averages about 2 cm per month; by the time the hair is a foot long, the rate of growth is reduced by one-half. The fastest growth is found in women from 16 to 24 years of age.
Disorders of the hair shaft or hair follicle cause abnormal growth or abnormal or premature falling of the hair. Certain abnormal conditions such as dull or dry hair are caused by physical or chemical agents. Too frequent use, for instance, of permanent-waving chemicals or of shampoos or lotions, especially those containing alcohol or free alkalies, often causes such conditions. The cause of excessive hairiness is obscure, but in several cases it has been traced to tumour of the adrenal cortex or to disorders of the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, or the ovary. Premature graying of the hair is associated with anxiety, shock, deficiency diseases, and, in certain cases, hereditary elements.
Alopecia, or baldness, is also due principally to hereditary elements. Certain forms of baldness may, however, be due to other causes: alopecia prematura, in which the hair of a young person falls out without preliminary graying, may also be caused by seborrhea; while alopecia areata, in which the hair falls out in irregular patches, is believed by doctors to be caused by inflammation, nerve disorders, or local infections. Diffuse falling of the hair, ordinarily a normal phenomenon, may reach abnormal proportions after a fever higher than 39.4°C, during a debilitating disease, or as a result of invasive surgical procedures.
Action of Boost'Hair
Boost’Hair stops hair loss from the very first weeks, being an oily lotion, it allows for a good and deep penetration into the scalp skin in order to reach the roots of the hair. The lotion is entirely made of natural elements, it’s totally free of chemical products. The active ingredients are extracts from a variety of herbs and plants mixed in a selection of vegetable oils.
The lotion is efficient because:
- It penetrates deeply in the scalp skin to reach the roots of the hair
- It regenerates the hair follicle and nurtures it
- It reduces the secretions from the sebaceous glands
- It tones the skin of the scalp with its astringent action
- It eliminates dandruff and leaves strong and soft hair