Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, medical condition in which constricted arterial blood vessels increase the resistance to blood flow, causing an increase in blood pressure against vessel walls. The heart must work harder to pump blood through the narrowed arteries. If the condition persists, damage to the heart and blood vessels is likely, increasing the risk for stroke, heart attack, and kidney or heart failure. Often called the “silent killer,” hypertension usually causes no symptoms until it reaches a life-threatening stage.
Hypertension affects 20 percent of people living in the United States. Of these, almost a third are unaware of their condition. Until the age of 55, more men than women have hypertension. After that age, the condition becomes more prevalent in women. Hypertension is significantly more common in African Americans of both sexes than in other racial or ethnic groups.
Blood pressure is classified in four categories: normal, prehypertension, stage 1 hypertension, and stage 2 hypertension. Normal blood pressure in an adult is around 120/80 mm Hg, in which 120 describes systolic pressure and 80 describes diastolic pressure. Prehypertension is defined as a systolic pressure of 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure of 80 to 89 mm Hg. People with prehypertension are likely to develop hypertension at some point during their life. Stage 1 hypertension is defined as a systolic pressure of 140 to 159 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure of 90 to 99 mm Hg. Stage 2 hypertension is defined as 160/100 mm Hg or higher.
Two factors determine blood pressure: the amount of blood the heart pumps and the diameter of the arteries receiving blood from the heart. When the arteries narrow, they increase the resistance to blood flow. The heart works harder to pump more blood to make sure the same amount of blood circulates to all the body tissues. The more blood the heart pumps and the smaller the arteries, the higher the blood pressure.
In about 5 percent of cases high blood pressure develops as a result of another medical disorder, such as kidney or liver disease, or as a side effect of certain medications. This type of high blood pressure is known as secondary hypertension. Other factors that may contribute to elevated blood pressure in some people include a diet high in salt, physical inactivity, obesity, and heavy alcohol consumption.
The first steps should be to undergo a diet and lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and quitting smoking, in order to prevent a rise in blood pressure. Salt should be limited in the diet. Increasing physical activity and reducing alcohol consumption to less than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women may also lower blood pressure.
Action of TensioReg
TensioReg progressively takes effect by invigorating the vital organs and ensuring their proper functioning allowing for the auto-adjustment of the blood pressure (High / Low blood pressure) without side effects.
In order to be effective, TensioReg makes use of plants that play a role on the blood pressure (increasing or lowering) by exerting various actions (diuretic, vasoconstriction, vasodilatation, cardiac pulsation and rhythm). Other plants play a regulative role, aiming to balance the cardiac rhythm and hypertensive or anti-hypertensive effects of the various components and aim at improving blood circulation at all levels (coronary, veins, limbs, cerebral).
Some other plants, while insuring the proper functioning of organs that have an impact on blood pressure, focus mainly on stimulating the overall functioning of the vital organs (liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas) and digestive system for the dual objectives of insuring an efficient assimilation-elimination of the various components and to improve the overall condition of the body.
Lastly, some of the plants and substances could be viewed as excipients. They are in fact contributing to facilitate and to control the assimilation of the preparation. Some plants aim at disguising the preparation as food, while other substances insure its slow dilution and distribution.
This approach to the regulation of the blood pressure could be qualified as holistic in the sense that TensioReg acts on the overall body aiming to reach normal values at all levels of the bodily functions.
• Digestive system: Assimilation and elimination of the preparation.
• Circulatory system: Improvement of the blood circulation from coronary, cerebral, and up to capillary vessels. Improvement of vessel resilience and clear lipid accumulations. Insuring a better blood distribution in an optimal available volume of vessel network.• Urinary system: Improve kidney urinary tract functions.
The association of a DynOrgan cure at the beginning of the TensioReg usage is highly recommended as it allows for the evacuation of toxins accumulated in the vital organs. Those toxin residues can be caused by the usage of allopathic medicines and compounds as well as by unhealthy food habits. DynOrgan will also stimulate the liver and kidneys' functions, enabling TensioReg to take effect quickly and efficiently.
CardioVascine is an efficient tissue regenerator; it brings selectively to the heart and the arteries the necessary nutrients required to their proper operations. CardioVascine regulates the electrical energy of the heart and it improves the contractile capacity of the cardiac muscle. CardioVascine thus improves the blood circulation and ensures a better oxygenation of the cells.