Diverticulosis, medical condition in which small sacs of intestinal lining protrude through the muscular wall of the digestive tract. These protrusions, called diverticula, may range in size from a sac as small as a split pea to one as large as a person's little finger. Diverticula are found most often in the colon, a part of the large intestine. They may also be found in the small intestine, and occasionally in other organs, including the bladder and oesophagus. About 10 percent of people over age 40 have diverticula in the colon, and the incidence increases with age. It is believed that diverticula are caused by pressure on the intestinal walls; constipation may also be a contributing factor. The weakening of the intestinal walls with age may contribute to the higher incidence of the condition in elderly people.
Diverticula in the colon are most common in the sigmoid colon, the lowest part of the large intestine. Their number may vary from a few to several hundred. Diverticulosis is considered a condition rather than a disease, and there are no symptoms related to the presence of diverticula. Mild cases of diverticulosis need no specific treatment, although eating a diet high in fibre may slow or prevent the development of more diverticula. However, two factors may cause the diverticula to become a medical problem: haemorrhage, or bleeding, and inflammation. Haemorrhage commonly occurs when inflammation is also present. The bleeding is usually mild, but occasionally may be considerable. Mild bleeding may cause no symptoms at all, or it may lead to the development of anaemia, a reduction in red blood cells. If bleeding is severe, emergency surgery may be required. When one or more diverticula become inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis. It is usually treated with a proper diet and antibiotics.
Action of Deflatil
Deflatil is composed of specific plants and natural substances that reduce the formation of gas by limiting, right at its source, the fermentations and the presence of moulds in the intestines. It results from it that Deflatil is also very effective in the cases of intestinal inflammations and diverticulitis.
Deflatil does not contain any type of anti-acid products. Therefore, it does not modify the acidity of the stomach and the digestive system.
Some other plants and substances used in Deflatil could be viewed as excipients, in fact their role is to facilitate and control the assimilation of the preparation to insure its dilution over time and its distribution to the targeted tissues.
In the specific case of diverticulitis Deflatil is limiting the number of germs, moulds and fermentation that engulf into the small pockets of the diverticulitis and it treats the intestinal inflammations.