Circulatory System, or cardiovascular system, in humans, the combined function of the heart, blood, and blood vessels to transport oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues throughout the body and carry away waste products. Among its vital functions, the circulatory system increases the flow of blood to meet increased energy demands during exercise and regulates body temperature. In addition, when foreign substances or organisms invade the body, the circulatory system swiftly conveys disease-fighting elements of the immune system, such as white blood cells and antibodies, to regions under attack. Also, in the case of injury or bleeding, the circulatory system sends clotting cells and proteins to the affected site, which quickly stop bleeding and promote healing. The heart, blood, and blood vessels are the three structural elements that make up the circulatory system. The heart is the engine of the circulatory system. Three types of blood vessels form a complex network of tubes throughout the body. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry it toward the heart. Capillaries are the tiny links between the arteries and the veins where oxygen and nutrients diffuse to body tissues. The pressure generated by the pumping action of the heart propels the blood to the arteries. In order to maintain an adequate flow of blood to all parts of the body, a certain level of blood pressure is needed. Blood pressure, for instance, enables a person to rise quickly from a horizontal position without blood pooling in the legs, which would cause fainting from deprivation of blood to the brain. Normal blood pressure is regulated by a number of factors, such as the contraction of the heart, the elasticity of arterial walls, blood volume, and resistance of blood vessels to the passage of blood. Blood pressure is measured using an inflatable device with a gauge called a tensiometer that is wrapped around the upper arm. Blood pressure is measured during systole, the active pumping phase of the heart, and diastole, the resting phase between heartbeats. Systolic and diastolic pressures are measured in units of millimeters of mercury (abbreviated mm Hg) and displayed as a ratio. Blood pressure varies between individuals and even during the normal course of a day in response to emotion, exertion, sleep, and other physical and mental changes. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, in which 120 describes systolic pressure and 80 describes diastolic pressure. Higher blood pressures that are sustained over a long period of time may indicate hypertension, a damaging circulatory condition. Lower blood pressures could signal shock from heart failure, dehydration, internal bleeding, or blood loss. Some diseases directly related with the circulatory system : Products TensioReg progressively takes effect by invigorating the vital organs and ensuring their proper functioning allowing for the auto-adjustment of the blood pressure (High / Low blood pressure) without side effects. In order to be effective, TensioReg makes use of plants that play a role on the blood pressure (increasing or lowering) by exerting various actions (diuretic, vasoconstriction, vasodilatation, cardiac pulsation and rhythm). Other plants play a regulative role, aiming to balance the cardiac rhythm and hypertensive or anti-hypertensive effects of the various components and aim at improving blood circulation at all levels (coronary, veins, limbs, cerebral). This approach to the regulation of the blood pressure could be qualified as holistic in the sense that TensioReg acts on the overall body aiming to reach normal values at all levels of the bodily functions. • Digestive system: Assimilation and elimination of the preparation. CardioVascine is an efficient tissue regenerator; it brings selectively to the heart and the arteries the necessary nutrients required to their proper operations. CardioVascine regulates the electrical energy of the heart and it improves the contractile capacity of the cardiac muscle. CardioVascine thus improves the blood circulation and ensures a better oxygenation of the cells. CholestCure is a compound made of seven synergistic plants that provide a threefold action: It improves the metabolism of fats in the liver – It eliminates metabolic wastes – It liquefies the blood. |
Products by Name
- A-Prostine
- ArthriKal
- ArthroMine
- Mouse-O-Soft Balm
- Phoenician Balm
- Boost'Hair
- BotaDermo
- BotaVein
- BuccoVie
- CardioVascine
- Cellu-Quit
- Cognicil
- ColestCare
- Care-H
- Deflatil
- DiureKal
- DynaFortis
- DynHormone
- DynOrgan
- HernoSan
- HPS-Care
- ImmunoVie
- JadeNail
- OsteoParine
- SanDiaril
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- SereniKal
- SucaReg
- TensioReg
- Transit-Lax
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Digestive system - Metabolism
Immunity - General weakness
Infections - Virus- Fungus
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