Constipation, difficulty in eliminating bowel movements from the body. Constipation is usually accompanied by the passage of hard, dry stools that may result in a tear in the lining of the lower rectum or anus or, more often, in painfully swollen and itchy veins in the lower rectum or anus, known as haemorrhoids. Tenseness and straining to achieve evacuation tend to worsen such conditions. Constipation is sometimes associated with feelings of sluggishness, headache, and distension of the abdomen.
Chronic constipation may be caused by a diet insufficient in roughage or fibre, irregular eating hours, improper use of laxatives, or the voluntary avoidance of bowel movements. Many cases are believed to be caused by emotional disturbances. Constipation can usually be relieved by drinking adequate fluids; eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals; and establishing routine evacuation habits. A high-fibre diet is particularly important for people who are taking medications that tend to harden stools and produce irregular bowel habits.
Some people become stressed or depressed when their bowel habits are irregular. Neglecting dietary measures, they may become addicted to the use of laxatives, suppositories, and enemas. These individuals may eventually lose muscle strength in the bowel wall, making it difficult for them to return to normal bowel habits. They also face the possibility that the digestive system will be unable to absorb all the nutrients in their food supply.
Constipation that develops suddenly in people who have previously had normal bowel function may be a symptom of a serious disorder, such as excessive production of thyroid hormones or kidney failure. Disturbing changes in bowel habits should be reported to a physician.
Action of Transit-Lax:
All the plants in the composition of Transit-Lax have the purpose of facilitating the progression of faeces into the colon. Some plants have a tonic action on the intestinal muscles. Other plants stimulate the production of bile by the liver and facilitate the complete assimilation of foods whereas some plants allow for the stool tomaintain a certain level of humidity.
Action of Deflatil
Deflatil is composed of specific plants and natural substances that reduce the formation of gas by limiting, right at its source, the fermentations and the presence of moulds in the intestines. It results from it that Deflatil is also very effective in the cases of intestinal inflammations and diverticulitis.
Deflatil does not contain any type of anti-acid products. Therefore, it does not modify the acidity of the stomach and the digestive system.
Some other plants and substances used in Deflatil could be viewed as excipients, in fact their role is to facilitate and control the assimilation of the preparation to insure its dilution over time and its distribution to the targeted tissues.
In the precise case of the constipation, Deflatil tones the intestinal fabric in order to facilitate its working and allows for the passage of the chyle (nutritive elements resulting from the process of digestion) towards the lymphatic network. Also, Deflatil treats effectively the problems of intestinal inflammations and allows for the elimination of germs, moulds and fermentations and thus facilitates the transit under the best conditions.
Deflatil is not a laxative.