The cellulite is the result of an imprisonment of grease, toxins and water in the hypoderm (deep layer of the skin) triggering the apparition of nodules (grouping of fat cells (adipocytes)) causing the deformation of subcutaneous conjunctive fabric and resulting in a visible deformation of the skin.
Cellulite is a term coined in European wellness salons and spas to describe deposits of dimpled fat found on the thighs and buttocks of many women. "Cellulite" is not a medical term. Medical authorities agree that cellulite is simply ordinary fatty tissue. Strands of fibrous tissue connect the skin to deeper tissue layers and also separate compartments that contain fat cells.
When fat cells increase in size, the compartments that contain fat cells bulge and produce a waffled appearance of the skin. Many years ago, Neil Solomon, M.D., conducted a double-blind study of 100 people to see whether cellulite differed from ordinary fat. Specimens of regular fat and lumpy fat were obtained by a needle biopsy procedure and given to pathologists for analysis and comparison. No difference between the two was found.
Types of cellulite:
Cellulite with water retention (Oedema): Flabby in texture and soft to the touch, this form of cellulite is due to underperforming venous / lymphatic systems which allow an excessive accumulation of water and liquids in the fat fabric.
Fat Cellulite: A more compact form of cellulite, it is due to the increased size of the adipocyte cells triggering the formation of micro nodules.
Fibrous cellulite: Hard with the touch, this form of cellulite is caused by the hardening of the collagen fibres which surround the adipocytes packed in macro nodules this time.
Hard, or solid, cellulite usually occurs in women who are active (such as dancers or runners).
Hard cellulite is difficult to get rid of because it doesn't lift from the body easily. It's also harder to see because it attaches directly to the muscle.
Soft cellulite is not as concentrated as hard cellulite and is much more visible. It occurs in large areas and, because it doesn't attach so strongly to the muscle, it's looser, often sagging from the body. The result is often poor muscle tone. Not only it is easier to spot, it is also easier to remove.
What causes cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by the protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis creating an undulating dermal-subcutaneous fat junction adipose tissue. The term cellulite originated in France more than 150 years ago. There are several factors that cause cellulite:
Free Radicals: Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that are found everywhere in the environment and in our bodies. They react with almost everything they come in contact with, so they are very damaging. Our current food consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables (antioxidants) is very low; this deficiency favours the production of free radicals which in turn accelerate the destruction of elastin and collagen fibres surrounding the venous walls. This situation increases the porosity of the vessels and allows for their clogging and the retention of water.
The Storage of Fats: Cellulite is caused by the abnormal storage of fat in the adipocytes (fat cells) in the hypodermis. The fat cells are grouped together into large collections, which are separated by fibrous strands. These fibrous strands run between the muscle and the skin. As the fat cells expand with weight gain, the gap between muscle and skin expands but unfortunately the fibrous strands cannot stretch. This results in the dimpling characteristic of cellulite.
Water Retention: Water retention is amplified by the current industrialization of our food supply which contains a variety of chemical substances and preservatives. During the digestion process the body does not recognize those substances and it produces sponge like molecules to isolate those substances, but being sponges they retain water.
Damaged Circulation: Recent research emerging from Europe confirms that cellulite is the result of poor blood circulation and drainage in the tissues under the skin. There are many ways that the very delicate microcirculation and lymph drainage vessels under the skin can be damaged. It is certain that free radicals play a role in this condition and it is likely that physical damage or restriction is also involved in starting the cycle of deterioration that results in cellulite. Examples of situations leading to some kind of tissue damage: sitting for long periods, wearing tights, over exertion while training, etc.
Hormonal –Oestrogen imbalance: The female hormone Oestrogen is responsible for softening the fibrous tissue that closes the womb just before delivering a baby. Without the role of this hormone, childbirth would be impossible. However this action of estrogens is not limited to childbirth. An excess of Oestrogen in women is believed to cause the weakening of the connective tissue that allows the fat to bulge up into the skin. Excess of Oestrogen is thought to be one of the main causes of cellulite.
Lack of exercises: The lack of exercises causes poor lymphatic and blood circulation and in particular poor lymph drainage. The lymphatic system is dependent on movement to keep the lymph flowing, meaning that the heart pumping does not keep it circulating through the body. The lymph gets under the skin but because of poor drainage (possibly caused by toxin build up) it cannot escape. The skin then becomes bloated with excess fluid.
Bad Diet: In case of bad diet the body stores dietary toxins that the liver cannot break down, in the cells under the skin. These toxins that originate in junk food and from incomplete digestion will cause fluid and fat retention in the cells which then swell up and reduce blood circulation and block the lymph from draining properly. Reduced lymph drainage and blood circulation causes fat accumulation, stretching of the connective fibres under the skin and the disgraceful bulging pattern of the skin known as cellulite.
Digestion: It is a well known fact that good digestion is a very important factor in maintaining good health. Research into the digestive process has shown that every one of our digestive processes depends upon our food being completely grounded up and thoroughly mixed with the saliva. A very common problem is that between 85% and 98% of post-pubescent females display some degree of cellulite. It is prevalent in women of all races but is more common in Caucasian females than in Asian females. There appears to be a hormonal component to its presentation. It is rarely seen in males. It is seen more commonly in males with androgen-deficient states such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, hypogonadism, post-castration states and in those patients receiving oestrogen therapy for prostate cancer. The cellulite becomes more severe as the androgen deficiency worsens in these males. Cellulite is not related to being overweight; average and underweight people also get cellulite.
While harmless, the dimpled appearance is a cause of concern for some people. The cosmetic industry claims to offer many remedies. Liposuction, which extracts fat from under the skin, is not effective for cellulite reduction. Dieting does not get rid of the dimpled appearance, but balanced eating, drinking and exercising may help.
Test for cellulite:
To test for cellulite, lightly pinch or press an area of tissue between your thumb and finger (or in a larger area, between the palms of your two hands). Normal fat appears fairly smooth, but cellulite will reveal dimples or ripples -- like the skin of an orange. Cellulite tissue is also more sensitive and can feel cold to the touch. It might appear whiter than the rest of your skin.
How to avoid and fight cellulite:
A smoother body skin can result by combining good eating and exercise habits with stress reduction and occasional spa treatments.
The key to fight cellulite is to purify the body with a combination of exercise, a healthy diet, tension reduction and proper circulation.
- A detoxifying diet is a great way to avoid or to fight cellulite. This means lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. A low-fat diet, high in fibre and complex carbohydrates, is important because these foods are the easiest for the body to break down, use and get rid of. Animal fats, starch and white sugar are harder for the body to eliminate, so we advise the use of brown sugar instead of white sugar. A low-fat diet reduces toxins and assists in getting rid of the toxins trapped in the tissue.
- Exercise is extremely important in aiding proper circulation. It firms muscles and the tissue surrounding the muscles.
- Massage also assists in fighting and preventing cellulite. Massage helps restore the body's natural tendencies by manipulating the muscles, and stimulating the circulatory and lymphatic systems that break down fatty tissue.
- Tension not only stresses the muscles, it also causes the connective tissue that covers the muscles to seize up. Tension blocks the tissue, preventing good waste elimination. Relaxation and breathing help the body relax and work properly. Proper breathing eases tension, oxygenates the body and helps with purification.
Nowadays, you can find many pharmaceutical products in the market for fighting cellulite. Most of these products are not efficient and have numerous side effects that may be harmful to your health.
Action of Cellu-Quit, topical oil:
The plants were selected for their thermogeneous and draining actions. They favour a better blood circulation, an improvement in the quality of conjunctive tissue, a better draining of waste and a reduction in the fat cells.