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UNANI: Food and Temperaments

NTRODUCTION: Here is a very short account of the basic principles of the Unani Medicine as transmitted to us from the origins and later through Hippocrates and those who followed up to our days. 

Basic Principles:

  • All creatures are made of Matter (which is the body) and a Vital Principle of Life (which is known as the Spiritual or Divine Fluid that keeps the whole in life).
  • In our planet and its surroundings only four elements exist and all matters or substances are made of these elements namely: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Each element has its two major properties: Earth is hot and wet, Fire is hot and dry, Air is cold and dry and Water is cold and wet.
  • In each body Four Humours correspond to the Four Elements: Blood, Yellow Bile, Black Bile and Phlegm. Consequently the body acts and reacts according to the Humours through four Major Temperaments and a fifth additional Temperament called the Equable Temperament or the Perfectly Balanced Temperament. This last one is neither too cold nor too hot and neither too wet nor too dry. It is well balanced and procures a perfect health.

Unfortunately due to the hardships of life this Equable Temperament is not easy to retain. In our living environment it can easily be perturbed by physical factors (food, drinks, the weather etc…) or psychological events whatever their origin or their nature. Whenever this disruption occurs the body reverts to one or the other of the Temperaments corresponding to the Humours, thus producing a corresponding effect on the health. Therefore in order to restore the balance, the subject should waive out the reasons of the disturbance otherwise the risk of increasing the unbalance becomes stronger which may have with time some damaging effects on the health. At such a stage the help of medicines become necessary and sometimes also the help of a good physician may be required. 

This being said, we are going hereafter to talk about the temperaments and their disruption, the food and drinks to restore their balance.

THE TEMPERAMENTS, GENERAL DIAGNOSTICS and EASILY RECOGNISED SYMPTOMS: While a precise diagnosis of illness and health affections is something that remains in the domain of good and experienced physicians, there is always some way for the layman provided he is aware of his own body, to determine, if he is having a change in his temperament and which direction this change is taking. For this purpose the following indications may be used as general guidelines.

Bloody Temperament: It corresponds to excessive heat and humidity in the body and presents amongst many others, the following signs:

  • Occurrence of headache
  • Trembling lips
  • Feeling of weakness occasionally and moreover weakening of the limbs
  • Swollen tongue
  • Nose itching
  • Cracked nails
  • Loose teeth
  • Coughing
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Swollen liver

Yellow Bile Temperament: It corresponds to excessive heat and dryness in the body and presents amongst many others, the following signs:

  • Yellow nails
  • Headache
  • Hard eyelids
  • Yellow and grey teeth
  • Jaundice
  • Occurrence of vomiting
  • Anal ulcer
  • Occasional burning urination and Yellow colouring of Urine
  • Excessive appetite
  • Swelling of liver
  • Insomnia

Phlegmatic Temperament: This temperament corresponds to excessive coldness and humidity in the body with the following signs:

  • Feeling of lethargy and laziness
  • Melancholic mood
  • Insomnia
  • Occurrence of convulsions and trembling
  • The presence of sounds and ringing in the ears
  • Bad odour from the nose
  • Development of a tendency to forget, which may lead progressively to loss of memory
  • Occasional headache crisis
  • Colic crisis
  • Malfunctioning of some organs and specially the liver and the spleen which may swell.
  • The retention of urine is one important sign
  • The aching in the back and the joints
  • Arthritis and rheumatisms
  • Excessive perspiration and loss of hair
  • Malfunctioning of the bladder

Black Bile Temperament: This temperament corresponds to excessive coldness and dryness in the body with the following signs:

  • Lack of agility and stiffness in the body and the joints
  • Excess of Black Bile may cause hallucinations
  • Constant flatulence
  • Development of cancer and specially skin cancer
  • Bad blood circulation and development of varicose veins
  • Poly arthritis
  • Enlargement of the stomach
  • Excessive appetite, as a consequence of the swollen stomach
  • Colic and in some cases vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Thickening and possible dryness of nails

Beside these five temperaments, there are four other temperaments which can be described as follows:

  • The hot temperament with a balance of dryness and humidity. It has common symptoms with both yellow bile and blood temperaments but in a softer way
  • The cold temperament with a balance of dryness and humidity. It has common signs with both black bile and phlegm temperaments but in a softer magnitude
  • The dry temperament with a balance of heat and coldness. It has common signs with both yellow bile and black bile temperaments but in a softer magnitude
  • The humid temperament with a balance of heat and coldness. It has common symptoms with both blood and phlegm temperaments but in a softer magnitude

For each temperament many other signs can be detected and some of them are common to the four principal temperaments. This is why the diagnosis must be made carefully and based on several factors and signs. Once the nature of the temperament is determined, the patient must start changing his habits of eating and drinking and revert to food and drinks that can improve his situation and bring back the body to an equable temperament. However, if the situation is difficult and the body or one of the principal organs is slowing down and incapable of performing its duties, one must help the right diet with other measures and eventually with medicines.


A good physician or an experienced observer can recognise a Temperament and its type through some of its external signs. The famous physician Gallien (Gallinus) said, bodies are constituted according to the temperaments of the Heart and the Liver. For instance, a clear and healthy skin with a rose or light red colouring, not too cold nor too hot and a well built body neither skinny nor too fat and neither too hairy nor bald are the signs of an equable temperament. On the other hand, a thin person, with dark black hair and a yellow coloured and hot skin and with brisk movements is most probably a person with a yellow bile temperament. He is light thoughtless, imprudent, frivolous and impetuous. He precipitates everything and loves to move all the time, leaving little trace of his presence. A phlegmatic temperament corresponds to a fatty body and cold skin with too little hair. A person with this kind of temperament has slow reactions moves slowly and gets tired quickly and easily. He is heavy. He hates travelling and moving from one place to the other. If a person has a darkish grey or yellow skin and deep veins and blood vessels with scarce hair on the scalp as well as all over the body it means he has a black bile temperament. Such a person is coward and sad (melancholic). He is airy. He thinks a lot with melancholy and reacts slowly to all events. He moves slowly and tends to stay still avoiding any unnecessary displacement from one place to the other. A person with a blood temperament is joyous and laughs a lot. He enjoys life. He has attractive features and has a strong inclination for sex.

Before describing the nature of food we wish to remind the reader that each substance possesses amongst many others, specific metabolic properties that determine its energetic force. It can be likewise temperaments either hot and dry or hot and wet or cold and dry or cold and wet. Moreover, it possesses a degree on a scale of four to determine the strength of heat, humidity, coldness and dryness. For instance if a substance is cold at the 1rst degree, this means that once ingested, it takes one hour for the metabolism to overcome its coldness, at a the 2nd degree a little more than two hours are necessary for the metabolism to overcome its coldness, more than three hours are necessary at the 3rd degree and more than four hours at the fourth degree. The same principle and scale apply for the other three metabolic properties. In general, a special care must be given to substances with fourth degree metabolic properties because depending on the quantity ingested the metabolism may not be able to overcome it and consequently it may cause damages to the body.



1.1-Goat’s Meat is cold in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
1.2-Goat’s Bones Marrow is cold in the 2nd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
1.3-Rabbit’s Meat is in general, hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree but if eaten with some specific vegetables and spices like curry, its nature can change to become hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 1rst degree
1.4-Pork’s Meat is cold in the 3rd degree and humid in the 3rd degree
1.5-Beef Meat is cold in the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst degree
1.6-Lamb’s Meat is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst degree
1.7-Duck’s Meat is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree also
1.8-Geese Meat is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
1.9-Chicken Meat is hot in the 2nd or 3rd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
1.10-Pigeons and other Birds Meat is usually hot in the 1rst degree and dry in the 1rst or 2nd degree

These properties are real in case the animals are fed properly with natural ingredients and if they live in a natural way according to the traditional farming methods. Unfortunately nowadays, traditions are becoming scarce and most Meats are provided by animals fed with chemicals and synthetic food and sold to the consumers as industrial products with no real control on the methods of their production. Therefore, their properties remain uncertain and it is advisable to avoid them.

2.1-Most white flesh fish living in the sea are cold in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd or 3rd degree
2.2-Tuna and other red flesh fish are hot in the 1rst degree or 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst degree or dry in the 1rst degree
2.3-Fish living in clear water like rivers and springs or lakes and soft water basins have meat hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
2.4-Most fish eggs are hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree and in few cases dry in the 1rst degree

In view of the garbage food given to feed farm’s fish, it is strongly advisable to avoid eating these fish and their by-products, as they can prove beside their bad taste, very harmful to health.


3.1-Cow’s Milk may have different metabolic properties depending on the food given to the cow. It can be cold in the 3rd degree and humid in the 3rd degree if the cow is fed badly and hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree if the food quality is high in energy. Unfortunately most of the milk sold in the commerce is of bad quality and has no energetic value, which explains why it leaves a lot of wastes in the blood and tissues and explains also the fact that the calcium contained in cow’s milk do not benefit to the body.
3.2-Cow’s milk by-products like butter and cheese follow the same pattern as the milk but even if the milk is good, salty butter and cheese should be avoided since they leave a lot of uric acid in the organs and the tissues.
3.3-Sheep’s milk and by-products are cold in the 1rst degree or hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree.
3.4-Goat’s milk and by-products are hot in the 1rst degree or in the 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst degree because goats can not be fed with industrial food. They choose their food from the best plants and trees.
3.5-Eggs are constituted of yolk and white. The two together make a good mixture, but if the yolk contains a high and beneficial energetic value, the white ingested alone is cold and humid making it harmful for the liver and the kidneys. It is important to choose always eggs provided by chicken properly fed and left in liberty. 

All kinds of powder milk are of bad quality and should be avoided specially for feeding babies since they are very hard on the liver and can provoke a non reversible damage to it.


4.1-Cabbage is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree.
4.2-Cauliflower is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree.
4.3-Cucumber is cold in the 2nd degree and humid in the second degree also
4.4-Beet is cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.5-Root is hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.6-Turnip is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst degree or the second degree depending on its type
4.7-Asparagus is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.8-Pine nut is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.9-Sesame is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.10-Thyme is hot the 2nd degree or 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree or 3rd degree depending on the type and condition
4.11-Lavender is cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.12-Basil is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
4.13-Ginger is hot in the 2nd and sometimes in the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.14-Carrots are hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.15-Zucchini is cold in the 1rst or 2nd degree depending on the type and the origin. It is humid in the 2nd degree
4.16-Lettuce is cold in the 2nd degree and also humid in the 2nd degree
4.17-Hyacinth bean is cold in the 2nd degree and also humid in the 2nd degree
4.18-Spinach is cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.19-Mushrooms are generally cold in the 1rst degree and either humid in the 1rst degree or dry in the 1rst degree depending on the type
4.20-Pumpkin and squash are cold in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.21-Chicory is cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.22-Mint is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.23-Radish is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.24-Leek is hot in the 1rst degree and dry in the 1rst or 2nd degree depending on its type and the way it is grown up
4.25-Celery is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd to the 3rd degree
4.26-Haricot is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst or 2nd degree
4.27-Sweet potatoes and other types of potatoes issued from the same family are hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 1rst or 2nd degree
4.28-Common potatoes are hot in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst degree
4.29-Rocket is hot in the 3rd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.30-Watercress is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.31-Coriander is cold in the 4th degree and dry in the 3rd and 4th degree
4.32-Parsley is cold in the 2nd or the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.33-Marjoram is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.34-Olives are cold in the 1rst degree when still green and hot in the 1rst degree when ripe and black. They are both dry in the 2nd degree
4.35-Onions are hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.36-Garlic is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.37-Mustard is hot in the 3rd to the 4rth degree and dry in the 3rd degree
4.38-Fennel is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.39-Beans are hot the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.40-Peas are hot in the 2nd to the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.41-Lentils are cold in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.42-Wheat is hot in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.43-Barley is cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 2nd degree
4.44-Lupine is hot in the 2nd to the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.45-Ervil or lentil vetch (in French Avoine) is hot in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
4.46-Eggplant is cold and humid but it is highly advisable to avoid eating it since it is very harmful to the different organs of the body and especially to the liver. It dissolves the calcium and minerals needed by the body creating consequently a good field for osteoporosis and other terrible affections and diseases


5-RESINS: They are all hot but they vary from the 1rst to the 3rd degree  depending on each type of resin


6.1-Nutmeg is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd to the 3rd degree
6.2-Galingale is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.3-Cinnamon or Canella is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.4-Coriander grains are cold in the 2nd to the 3rd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
6.5-Cumin is hot in the 2nd or 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.6-Cloves are hot in the 2nd to 3rd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
6.7-White pepper is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
6.8-Black pepper is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.9-Black cumin grain called Nigelle in French, is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
6.10-Caraway is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.11-Turmeric is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 3rd degree
6.12-Cardamom is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.13-Saffron is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst degree
6.14-Sisyphus is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst to the 2nd degree
6.15-Fenugreek is hot in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst degree
6.16-Curcuma is hot in the 3rd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.17-Liquorice is hot in the 1rst or the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst degree
6.18-Hyssop is hot in the 1rst or the 2nd degree and dry in the 1rst or 3rd degree depending on its type.
6.19-Lavandula Is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
6.20-Laurel is hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree 



7.1-Lemon is cold in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
7.2-Orange is cold in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
7.3-Apples all kinds are cold in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd degree
7.4-Prunes all kinds are cold in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
7.5-Pears are cold in the 1rst degree and humid in the 1rst to the 2nd degree
7.6-Water melon is cold in the 2nd to the 3rd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
7.7-Berries (strawberry, raspberry etc…) are cold in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
7.8-Apricots are cold in the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree
7.9-Grapes are hot in the 2nd degree and humid In the 2nd degree
7.10-Fig is hot in the 2nd to the 3rd degree and humid or dry in the 1rst degree depending on its type and sweetness
7.11-Dates are hot in the 2nd degree and dry in the 2nd to the 3rd degree
7.12-Bananas are hot in the 1rst to the 2nd degree and humid in the 2nd degree

Most of exotic fruits if sweet are hot and humid in the 2nd to the 3rd degree

  • Honey is hot and dry in the 2nd to 3rd degree depending on its type and quality
  • Wine vinegar is cold and humid in the 2nd degree if prepared without chemicals
  • Olive oil if pure is hot and dry in the 2nd degree.

All these substances described here above possess other qualities specific for each one of them like astringency, softening, calming etc… but since we are now concerned with temperaments we limited ourselves to the main four states of substances.

We can conclude that foods and drinks should always be chosen to compensate the temperament and bring it back to an equable state. For instance if some one has a phlegmatic temperament he should avoid cold and humid foods and drinks and chose what is hot and dry and so on for each other temperament. However, if the unbalance is severe and one or several parts of the body are affected, natural preparations and drugs will be needed to enhance the effect of adequate food and bring a faster recovery.